Our Work
Recap by Bill Taubman, WI Lions Mission Chair
Every year, numerous Lions head to countries south of our borders with used eyeglasses from our Eyeglass Recycling Center in Rosholt, donated fire trucks, ambulances and school buses gathered by Lions Clubs around the state, and medical and school supplies such as hospital beds and school desks. These item are given freely to Lions Clubs in foreign lands that distribute them to needy schools, orphanages and cities. While on a mission, thousands of used eyeglasses are given out to local residents who probably have never had a pair of glasses in their life.
Materials taken come from donations accumulated throughout the state. The used glasses are collected by Wisconsin Lions and processed through the Eyeglass Recycling Center located at the Wisconsin Lions Camp in Rosholt.
Wisconsin Missions is also teaming up with the ALERT program. Lions are willing to travel to help people who have experienced a disaster such as the recent hurricane in Texas. If you would like to become a volunteer, get the sign up form here: ALERT application »
It is time to get out information about our traditional/regular January meeting of Wisconsin Lions Missions. This letter is to tell you that this meeting will be neither traditional nor regular! There are changes.
We have been talking for some time about more thorough and comprehensive training. Initial thoughts were to do it this fall but yet as close to the missions as possible. Some then suggested we do it as part of the January meeting to get close to mission time and to avoid extra travel. That is what is happening. Another part of the equation was that this training would be for the Minnesota Lions also to prepare them for their mission to Guatemala (which has since been postponed). That too is what is happening. Here is the plan.
In order to accommodate the MN Lions and keep travel from being too burdensome on anyone, we are moving the meeting to the Jim Falls Lions Center on January 6, 2024. The meeting will begin at 9:38 AM and probably last until 2:00 PM or a bit after, depending on how many people come. The Jim Falls Lions will prepare and serve us lunch. WLM will cover all the costs.
The day's agenda will include a very abbreviated WLM meeting and reports on the upcoming missions, and other activities of interest. The balance of the day will be the joint training.
At the suggestion of mission leader Gary Donaldson the training will be on all aspects of doing a mission from registration to fitting glasses. Everyone will learn about everything. This will be of great value to all who have never been on a mission as well as to those who have been on one or more missions but have always done the same thing. Of course the key parts of the training will be learning about the eye, eye problems, understanding terminology and then, how to select glasses and we will actually do some selecting. Several different people will be involved in the teaching. Should be both interesting and fun.
So that is the plan.
For those planning to come the night before, or stay the night after, there is lots of lodging in Chippewa Falls. The Lions Center is located one mile south of Jim Falls on Co. Tr. S. Very easy to find. In order to plan for the lunch it is critical that we know who is coming!
Bill Taubman, WLM Chair
PS Please excuse my use of “training” multiple times. Training is for dogs and horses. We “teach” people but
I could make “training” work much easier with fewer words!