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Wisconsin Lion

The Wisconsin Lion is a bi-monthly newspaper designed to inform and educate the Lions of Wisconsin on issues that strengthen our organization and our ability to serve our communities.
  • The Wisconsin Lion is a 32 page, letter-sized magazine available online in full color

  • All issues are available online only.

  • The “News” link in the menu bar at the top of every page will bring you to a page with both the current and past issues of The Wisconsin Lion for your viewing pleasure.


Stories and ideas come from Lions around Wisconsin, including the Wisconsin Lion Editorial Board, Council of Governors and a variety of committees. Each issue includes information on a wide variety of subjects from a number of contributors including:

News & Feature Stories – from Wisconsin Lions Foundation (WLF), Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin, Current International Director (or immediate PID), Lioness, Pin Traders, clubs/members, state committees & others

District Pages – monthly news from each district including a message from the DG, club events and calendars.

Classified Section – sections for WLF & LEBW donors, club anniversaries, club events, MD27 contacts, upcoming dates, conventions & trainings, Melvin Jones & Birch Sturm Fellows


​Submissions to the newspaper should be emailed to your Club’s District Editor for inclusion on each District’s pages. Material should reflect Lions projects and events of interest to all readers. Photos should show Lions providing service and should not portray any alcoholic beverages. Photos should be in jpg or png formats and should be provided at the largest size possible (i.e. not cropped or resized).  Please do NOT embed photos into word files, send them as attachments. Please note that all text will be edited for readability, length and grammar.


Click on the name of the editor in your district to initiate your email to send information to your editor.

A1  Patti Hurtgen

A2  Diane Lechner

B1  Marilyn Shady

B2  Sara Hornung

C1  Patty Hollis

C2  Roger Weber

D1  Bill Clausius

D2  Loretta Ewelt

E1  Barb Dulmes

E2  PDG Ronda Bierbrauer

Statewide content can be submitted to DG Bert Freeman at

Recognition for Melvin Jones, Birch-Sturm, Knight of Sight & Ray Hempel Fellowships should be submitted to the State Editor at


​Clubs and businesses interested in reaching 18,000 Wisconsin Lions households can choose from the following display ad sizes:​

1/8 page horizontal 3.8125” x 2.3125”

1/4 page vertical 3.8125” x 4.875”

1/4 page horizontal 7.875” x 2.3125”

1/2 page vertical 3.8125” x 10”

1/2 page horizontal 7.875” x 4.875”

Full page 7.875” x 10”

(All sizes are width x height)

Ads should be supplied in color and black and white format in print resolution pdf format.


For rates and to get more information about advertising in the Wisconsin Lion, contact Bert Freeman at

Story Submission
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